Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Just as Big as Christmas

Saint Patrick's Day... 

  This brings to mind the famous traditions of wearing the color green, searching for leprechaun gold, and wishing on shimmering shamrocks. This is a day of partying, and pinching people who forgot to wear the fabled color. A day to try and find the end of the rainbow and strike it rich, or tease your siblings with a few traps for the sneaky little slippery elves... but something is missing...

  Many know (or knew) the story of Maewyn who was kidnapped from his native home in Britain and taken as a slave to Ireland. Then eventually escaped only to be told in a dream to return to Ireland and teach the people about Christ. Later on, after he died, he was dubbed "Saint Patrick" and his death day evolved into this celebration we know of today. My heart droops at how this aspect wasn't thought of as often on March 17th as it should have been.

I got caught up in the rush of merely finding something fashionable to wear so that I wouldn't end up being pinched by my teen friends. I didn't even know Maewyn's story until a few hours ago. I didn't even know his name. My Irish ancestors are probably sad to know that... and I am sad to admit it... yet my heart is stirred with curiosity and wonder.
  Upon further research, I realized (and continue to realize) just how important this day is. Today is just as big as Christmas. 

  Wow wow wow wow! Stop! Hold on just a minute! Saint Patrick's Day is just as big as Christmas? 

  No, you didn't read that wrong. I have surprised myself with that statement as well. But the more I think about it, the more I realize it is true. Every word of it. Just think about it. Putting aside Santa Clause, the tinseled up tree, and the gifts we receive year after year, what is the real meaning of Christmas? To generally sum it up, we celebrate the birth of Christ; we celebrate Christianity. Saint Patrick's is a day to celebrate just as much because it was brought to people who didn't have it. Now I'm not here to start arguing about doing away with the traditions of leprechaun hunting and putting on the shields of green. We just need to realize the deeper meaning behind these things.

  Today, I'm not wearing the color green to ward off the pinching fests. I'm wearing it to honor my Irish heritage and to celebrate the beautiful spring God has blessed me with. Today, I'm not going to put everything in the back of my head and forget about it. I am going to think about Christ and what He has done for me. I'm going to think about the missionaries who continue to serve in his name, and bring His light to all. I'm not Irish for just today. I will celebrate my family heritage, not just the Irish
part (but that especially). I celebrate who I am today because I wouldn't be here without them. I even celebrate patriotism, and the values that entails. This day is rooted in belief, heritage, and patriotism. I think of it as such. 

  Today is just as big as Christmas.

  What does today mean to you?