Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Just as Big as Christmas

Saint Patrick's Day... 

  This brings to mind the famous traditions of wearing the color green, searching for leprechaun gold, and wishing on shimmering shamrocks. This is a day of partying, and pinching people who forgot to wear the fabled color. A day to try and find the end of the rainbow and strike it rich, or tease your siblings with a few traps for the sneaky little slippery elves... but something is missing...

  Many know (or knew) the story of Maewyn who was kidnapped from his native home in Britain and taken as a slave to Ireland. Then eventually escaped only to be told in a dream to return to Ireland and teach the people about Christ. Later on, after he died, he was dubbed "Saint Patrick" and his death day evolved into this celebration we know of today. My heart droops at how this aspect wasn't thought of as often on March 17th as it should have been.

I got caught up in the rush of merely finding something fashionable to wear so that I wouldn't end up being pinched by my teen friends. I didn't even know Maewyn's story until a few hours ago. I didn't even know his name. My Irish ancestors are probably sad to know that... and I am sad to admit it... yet my heart is stirred with curiosity and wonder.
  Upon further research, I realized (and continue to realize) just how important this day is. Today is just as big as Christmas. 

  Wow wow wow wow! Stop! Hold on just a minute! Saint Patrick's Day is just as big as Christmas? 

  No, you didn't read that wrong. I have surprised myself with that statement as well. But the more I think about it, the more I realize it is true. Every word of it. Just think about it. Putting aside Santa Clause, the tinseled up tree, and the gifts we receive year after year, what is the real meaning of Christmas? To generally sum it up, we celebrate the birth of Christ; we celebrate Christianity. Saint Patrick's is a day to celebrate just as much because it was brought to people who didn't have it. Now I'm not here to start arguing about doing away with the traditions of leprechaun hunting and putting on the shields of green. We just need to realize the deeper meaning behind these things.

  Today, I'm not wearing the color green to ward off the pinching fests. I'm wearing it to honor my Irish heritage and to celebrate the beautiful spring God has blessed me with. Today, I'm not going to put everything in the back of my head and forget about it. I am going to think about Christ and what He has done for me. I'm going to think about the missionaries who continue to serve in his name, and bring His light to all. I'm not Irish for just today. I will celebrate my family heritage, not just the Irish
part (but that especially). I celebrate who I am today because I wouldn't be here without them. I even celebrate patriotism, and the values that entails. This day is rooted in belief, heritage, and patriotism. I think of it as such. 

  Today is just as big as Christmas.

  What does today mean to you?

Thursday, November 20, 2014

For the past year I have learned that if I'm going to write anything, I need a purpose. (I have a very hard time writing compare-contrast essays for that very reason.) Every purpose I am given is written from my point of view and from my own understanding. Naturally, since I am not perfect, my opinion won't be perfect either. Just the same, I believe sharing my opinion and my testimony will not only strengthen my faith and belief, but will help anyone else. 

Since starting this blog, I've been trying to find something else that I am willing to write about. Again and again I am discouraged and push it away whenever I think about it. I know Satin desires to crush my testimony. At first, I considered this to be like an avalanche waiting to break it to pieces. Yesterday I learned he can also suffocate and smother it.

How can he do that? By convincing us that reading our scriptures and praying aren't as important as what we want to do. He gets us to believe our leaders and church lesson are stuffy and dumb. Probably the most devious of all, he plants suttle lies about our talents, our looks, our family, our purpose, and ourselves! 

The way he has gotten to me lately is through little questions like, "What if someone doesn't believe you?", "What if you offend someone?", "What if someone thinks you are just being silly?", "What if you say something wrong?"... 

What if... What if... What if...  What if... What if... What if... What if...

Those kinds of questions have both their ups and downs. Unfortunately, I get caught up in them far more than I should. In fact, I was so distracted that I started to forget who I am and what I can do. I started to let Satin suffocate my testimony without so much as a struggle...

Our belief and our testimony is like a flashlight. When we turn it on, when we use it and share it, it brightens the room till there is no room for darkness. In a straight out battle like this, light always conquer the darkness.

In one of the last episodes, don't ask me which because I don't know, the "Golden Ninja" battles an evil dragon in the middle of their Ninjago City. (Don't judge me, I have younger siblings who have complete control over any TV show until they go to bed.) This is a classic battle between good and evil; light and dark. 

In the middle of this, they threaten and taunt each other. (Or at least the dragon does that...) 10-20 seconds of this battle stuck with me. At just about the climax of this scene, (And correct me if this is wrong.) the dragon screams, "You can never destroy evil. Where there is light, there will always be shadow!" 

Then the hero proclaims boldly, "Unless my light is bright enough!" and continues to finish off the last remains of that battle. With darkness threatening to consume everything he held dear. Indeed, till he was laughed at and swallowed by that monster, he let his light shine and allowing no room for anymore evil.

We must always keep our flash light shining bright. Will it shine forever? No, of course the batteries will die, but can't we always recharge that battery? Can we keep that flashlight going practically forever with a continual supply of re-chargeable batteries? Of course it can, but here's the key: it's our choice! 

Will you recharging your spiritual battery?

This I plead with everyone who will listen: Don't let your testimony die! Don't let it go by any means! Stand strong for what you believe in! Continue to strengthen and brighten that light inside of you! Don't let God's definition of who you are smother! 

This I believe and plead in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Why I'm a Writer

Four years ago I didn't even know I wanted to be a writer. Honestly, before High School, I had only and inkling of what a paragraph was. Thanks to many people in my life, but more importantly God and Christ, I am where I am now.

Then there are the people who really don't think I should take the path I have started. From comments like, "You're wasting your knowledge." to "You could be so much better." I am beaten down. Even the very thoughts in my head seem to betray me in these moments. I feel like all the tricks are being thrown at me or hidden and found when least expected. Laying in wait for the most vulnerable of moments.

One thing stands clear in my mind...

I am a Fighter!

No one can make me give up or give in. No one can force me to be someone I'm not. No one can take my life and re-write the story being written. No one can rip me from this path. No matter how much it will be shaken, NO ONE can break my faith. I am a writer because of my purpose and it is because of my purpose that I am a writer. No one can ever take that from me. 

I want to share what I have learned and how it has helped me. I want to help people understand that they are not alone. No matter what challenges we face, Christ went through it first. He has been my best friend since before my life began. He will always be our friend. He will always be reaching.

If nothing else, writing helps to solidify the truths that I believe... the truths that I know... in my own mind. If somehow I can help someone else too, that will make my writing career complete. 

Why am I writing? Because I have a testimony... and nothing will keep me from sharing it.

This I believe in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.